Bendare gli occhi per lasciare spazio all’immaginazione, provando ad utilizzare altri strumenti per leggere la realtà. Valentina ha applicato del nastro isolante nero sulla zona degli occhi ed ha eseguito il make-up sul resto del viso. Ha realizzato la base utilizzando un fondotinta molto chiaro di La Prairie, AA foundation 100, e ha dato risalto alle labbra applicando un rossetto rosso matte a lunga tenuta di Guerlain.


Blindfolding eyes is something that gives room for imagination, and as a result it turns into a new way to see reality from a different perspective. Valentina has wrapped some black insulating tape around the model’s face to cover the eyes, and has applied the make-up to the rest of the face. To make the make-up base she has utilised a fair foundation by La Prairie, AA foundation 100, besides she has applied a long-lasting matt red lipstick by Guerlain to make the lips stand out.


Photo by Nils Rossi

Make-up by Valentina Marchetti

Translation by Chris Alborghetti

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